
About 100 children die in the US every year in accidental shootings

#40 dude do you attack every single comment that i post? i was just annoyed that i could not understand what he was saying i was not mad, i was just trying to get my point across.
Sorry and apology in the same breath. Thats what i mean. 3 Post against me, until they have noticed the nine people kill. Thats the problem.

AND YES, i am a german! BUT, my grandfather was a Jew from Wien. He escaped from Hitlerwon over Milano, France Denmark to Sweden. And there he met my Grandmom. And after that, me father travel later to sweden and my Grandfather had no problem to let his daughter meet this german young man, because he had a vision, he had no problems with the young german people. And thats why i can text now. Because of my jude grandpaa from Vienna, who never had a bad word againd anybody, a guy who always was positive. Thanks grandpaa
wey and no, i just say, that a lot of americans, and germans also, and french and english people are nazis in mind. And i cant understand that. Okay in germany they are left and not dead, but how can people in france, england ore the USA can enable these big crowds with nazi thoughts?

@numberfour, @NoobChessPlayer

Please either cut this behaviour out, or stay out of serious debates until you're mature enough to understand the difference between Nazi Germany and modern Germany, and hold a civil conversation without resorting to caps lock and disrespect.

You're going to get this thread closed if you keep this up.


I partially agree, and partially disagree.

While I cannot speak for the UK, hardly anyone in the USA or Canada are seriously anti-gun.
The proposition in the majority of countries for gun control is licensing and regulation, which is effectively governmental common sense.

You are definitely right that inequality plays a huge part in violent crimes - but why should we wait to fix inequality to introduce a licensing system until inequality has subsided?

It is true that fixing inequality and providing a safety net for the citizens of the country, and especially providing comprehensive mental care to citizens, will help violent crime more than gun control activists could even dream of.

It is also true that countries such as Switzerland and literally no
other countries because they're not Switzerland are in a good enough state to allow liberal gun laws without serious consequences.

It is, unfortunately, also true that until countries around the world, including and especially the USA and the United Kingdom, fix their...
...failing education systems, ...
...severe and growing inequality, ...
...damaged health care systems, ...
...broken mental health care systems, ...
...excessive amount of power given to scientifically and culturally illiterate yet still powerful political and religious groups, ...
... , introducing gun licensing system may be one of the only effective and immediate ways to at least mitigate gun violence.

Though, I will note a key difference - The United Kingdom is in a far better position to introduce more liberal gun laws than the United States.
Errrmmm - probably the worst (or best) time to cite a joke that I was told......
A colleague of mine ( a German) told us all that his father had died in the concentration camps during the Second World War. We offered our sympathies and he said 'Thanks, he died falling off a watch tower when he was drunk!"
It's probably a well known joke but the reason it's so funny is it raises obvious assumptions about the victim and then instantly makes you question the authenticity of your sympathy. After all - a watchtower guy may not have exactly been complicit....or infinitum....

That said, I cannot believe that anybody would doubt a reduction in the number of people holding guns in the US would not reduce the statistics.....

I did not say that clearly enough. Thousands of people die needlessly through the use of guns in the US. You can argue the toss that they would otherwise be killed by knives - but I think you're talking rubbish. Unless you get rid of the guns - we will never find out. Unless you lobby for the NRA - it would seem worth a try?
#47 The thread was opened (just) before the latest shootings. Was that prophetic? No. The statistic that you will wake up to a story like this is dismal when you have the proliferation of weapons that you do is obvious. It's like waking up with a bottle of bleach in the household.....a known killer!
I think if anyone managed to pull off a massacre with a bottle of bleach, we would be too amazed to mourn...

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