
About 100 children die in the US every year in accidental shootings

We live in fear of liberal chunkymonkeys and other assorted 'bad' guys.... You can have my (nonexistent) gun when you pry it from my cold, dead, fingers
The BBC is run by a government that bans handguns, and it's rather biased. That isn't to say that 100 childen dying a year isn't bad, but rather to say that this is an emotional play that ignores other statistics supporting guns.
I agree - if they're particularly noisy....I'm not sure their mums would.....
What statistics could support guns?
You have to have the children accidentally shoot themselves to make the story of accidentally shooting the wife look legit...
SOME guns seem to have a mind of their own...
It is absolutely safer not to carry a gun - statistically speaking, the most likely person to get shot with a gun you own is you.

Yes, if a bad guy breaks into your house and wants to murder you, you'll wish you had a gun.
But when you're having a bad week and depression is getting the better of you, you'll also wish you had a gun.
When you're breaking into someone's house and you get caught, you'll also wish you had a gun.

Statistically speaking, the last two wishes are the most often granted.
However, banning guns is a historically terrible solution (see gun violence in China and South Korea) - licensing, regulation, and mandatory gun owner education are far more effective at curbing those problems.

Sorry, I used to live in the USA, I have messages like this on muscle memory
SofiKadaj --- let's not go introducing logic, reason, and reality into an emotionally charged thread designed simply to stir up trouble! You must have felt like a pariah in the propagandist USA
I agree, so what's the point? There might actually be places where it's in your odds to carry and so the figures have been homoginised?

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