
About 100 children die in the US every year in accidental shootings

In my opinion the question is: who delivers more death people.

1) White amierica nazis


2) all the others

I think the white american police officers, together with the white american gun holders kill much more people over the year then anybody else. Esspecilly Mr. Snowdon, A lot of islam confessed people all over the world. All germans who try to reach the USA ......
the bad inside is is the problem, not the killers in the south east!

Think about it!
I find the anti-gun side in the American gun control debate very intellectually dishonest.

Simply removing guns from the populace will not necessarily reduce or eliminate violent crime. It may reduce its severity; afterall, guns are devices designed to do one thing and only one thing really, really well: to effectively kill living beings

Taking away guns will not remove the issue of crime, and gun crime will be replaced with knife or blunt-violence crime. Moreover, most gun crime is committed using illegally-acquired guns. Gun violence is worse in states with gun control than without -- though it should be noted that those comprise some of the largest urban centres of the United States.

In fact, the whole point of gun control is to reduce the harmful things you can do with guns to other human beings. Let's take the case of Switzerland. Switzerland also has very liberal gun laws, yet crime is much lower. Why is this the case? Switzerland has a much stronger safety net for the poorer sections of society. It is on the whole, a less divided society, unlike America which shows clear lines between rich and poor, black and white, rural and urban, native and immigrant.

So you are for gun control? That's fantastic. But remember the reason you are for it (to reduce harm), and remember there are one hundred other things that could be done which would reduce violent crime a lot more significantly than taking away the people's firearms.
today nine black americans died, shooted by a white american nazi.

Is this guy been hold up by nacked controlled european people came by flieht to america?

Is this a islamic drama?

NO. This is why i dont respect america, because if they kill the one people it is no problem, but if they killed by Isam people or what else, then the killed people are killed patriots.

How would you know that nine people were shot in america? when you are in freaking Germany.
The Chicago shooting is global news. That said, I wouldn't jump to conclusions. The suspect is still at large and his identity not known, aside from his appearance.
Wait I live in america 3 hours from chicago but i havent heard of a shooting, please elaborate.
#34 Why JoelH are you calling us nazis when you ARE from Germany how are we nazis? this dose not make sense and what is islamic drama? What is "it this guy been hold up by nacked controlled european people came by flieht to america" I WHANT TO HERE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING BUT I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!!!!!

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