
What system type do you think should rule society (in any era); Political or religious system?

describe the best society:
a political society would help, because a religious society would be a monarchy.
Humanity should rule , be kind to each other , it's human nature, the good Samaritan xxx
@WassimBerbar said in #24:
> Do you think a religious society is not better than a political society?
I mean yes, a religious society is better than a political society because it gets people to do good deeds, but we shall not take people by force and make them do things. So I'm neutral, and I respectfully agree with you, @WassimBerbar.
Political system is good as long as there are good people to elect.
Religius system is good as long as a majority of the population are in favour of it and it respects minorities.
@SimonBirch said in #25:
> Humanity should rule , be kind to each other , it's human nature, the good Samaritan xxx

lol as if this wild ever work. Humanity really wants leadership, without it we fall apart into disorder. That’s why anarchy will never work. Additionally, humans are unfortunately not internally good, which is another reason why self governance never works, as well as the reason why absolute monarchies basically never work.

If God does exist (which I believe He does but most are skeptical) then a theocracy works best. Of course this also assumes that God is willing to communicate what He wants to His people, which is why this is not a very easy government to instate.

If this doesn’t work, I think that smaller scale governments would work best. These would each be about the size of cities and towns with elected leaders known for their conduct and integrity and not just for what they promote.

Of course, all of this is hypothetical.
Isreal war comes from religion.

Ukraine war comes from politic.

Sages should be our leaders.
@dstne said in #28:
. Additionally, humans are unfortunately not internally good,

Good grief, that's a very sweeping statement, speak for yourself, humans are in instinct ,loving, caring and kind the only ugly thing is the system that we have created for ourselves , run by money of those that have it and screw those that dont.
the have and the have nots. Get rid of the money , heaven on earth xxx