
Opening: ? v Mike

1 • WellowMike •
  1. White’s First Move
  2. Scandinavian Defence: a Simple Set-up for Beginners
  3. Queen’s Pawn Opening
  1. WellowMike

Grob's opening

1 • ehenkes •
  1. Theorie
  2. Koivisto_7.0-x64-windows-avx2 - stockfish_14.1_win_x64_bmi2
  3. lc0 - RubiChess-2021_x86-64-bmi2
  4. berserk-8.5.1-x64-avx2-pext - stockfish_14.1_win_x64_bmi2
  1. ehenkes

Grunfeld Defense Repertoire

61 • IndianDefense •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Exchange Variation
  3. The Exchange Variation, 7. Bc4
  4. The Exchange Variation, 7. Nf3
  1. IndianDefense

(In progress) Bf4 against the Indian defense

2 • HeyyItsDylan •
  2. CHAPTER 1.1 - 4... Nxd5
  3. 5... Bb4+
  4. 5... Bd6
  1. Xzy_9111581314
  2. HeyyItsDylan

Racing Kings Openings II

3 • Guitar09 •
  1. King's Opening/Bishops Opening
  2. Kings Opening Knights Variation
  3. Bishops Opening Variation
  4. Practice I: King/Bishops Variation as White
  1. Hammer_Strike
  2. la_pioggia
  3. Jaraxis
  4. Ananddeepu


4 • ehenkes •
  1. Aljechin-Chatard-Angriff
  2. Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit
  3. Blumenfeld-Gambit
  4. Budapester Gambit
  1. ehenkes

OPENING: Danish Gambit

1 • Fynmorph •
  1. Introduction
  2. ..Bb4+ but black doesnt trade
  3. ..Qe7 Positions of the queens
  4. ..Qe7 The Queen is Pinned to the King
  1. Fynmorph

Queen's Gambit | Full Repertoire

895 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: Queen's Gambit Accepted
  3. QGA: Rosenthal Defense 3...e6
  4. QGA: Classical Defense 3...Nf6-4...e6-5...c5
  1. Bosburp

Beating the London System

9 • Shadow1414 •
  1. Without c3 and against Qc1 after Qb6.
  2. Without c3 and against b3 after Qb6
  3. Without c3 and against Nc3 after Qb6
  4. Against c3
  1. Shadow1414

Nimzo-Larsen part 1: classical (c4-d4) & French (d4-e6)

3 • AACtrl •
  1. c5-d5: typical plan
  2. Subtelties in the moves order
  3. Very instructive otb game
  4. Another highly instructive otb game
  1. AACtrl

French Defense Tarrasch Variation + Sub French lines

3 • colt45nine •
  1. tarrash sum.
  2. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #1 by GM Anish Giri
  3. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #2 by GM Anish Giri
  4. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. Nxd4 !! by GM Anish Giri
  1. colt45nine

Opening Scottish (White)

1 • ReneHH •
  1. Ameraboayman (1611) - ReneHH (1782)
  2. ReneHH (1690) - ISubhani (1742)
  1. ReneHH

mini book traps

1 • colt45nine •
  1. Italian common mistakes!
  2. Italian variation 3...h6?! ( Anti-Fried Liver Defense )
  3. vs ruy lopez
  4. Danish Gambit loose queen
  1. colt45nine

Sistema Colle

3 • mmlanas •
  1. Estructura base
  2. Formación de la estructura
  3. Respuestas habituales de las negras
  4. Respuesta cxd4
  1. mmlanas

Beginner's Guide to Racing Kings

2 • MANDOMan13 •
  1. Intro
  2. King's Opening
  3. King's Opening: Variation
  1. fatherwar
  2. IxO_xXx
  3. Flamin-Hot-Cheetos
  4. blueberry_pancakes

Paul Morphy immortal opera game

1 • chessalpha18 •
  1. Opera game
  2. TEST
  3. Please like and press the heart button
  1. chessalpha18