
LM Title?

IF you are going to add things like BLM and CLM for the LM title mind as well make a new title, LNM (lichess national master) or LWCM (lichess woman candidate master), LIM, LGM, etc..
chessprophecy you want your title to sound like a sandwich? be my guest
#9 @Agent Mikey G was laying on the heavy sarcasm btw, in case you were confused! Chess BS & Mikey are WIM & WFM respectively :)
I would get thoroughly confused if we added a bunch of new titles. I like it where it's at.
I honestly don't see the issue with the LM title with one exception - you can get the title playing in any variant I believe. If someone is a 2500+ antichess or horde player for instance but they can't hold higher than 2000 in a standard chess variant, I think there's a problem (I am not pointing to any LMs I don't know any of their stats, this was just a randomly chosen example). The exception might be 960, which is still very much chess, but many of the other variants are just other games played with chess pieces, (similar to gomaku) imho.

I think a simple solution would be to require more than just holding a top tier rating in a single given variant but rather require multiples, or require a higher FIDE profile (or equivalent) than 1800. Really 1800 is just a fairly strong club player, hardly any sort of "master" even if they happen to be very good at clock races or strange variants where the strongest chess players don't compete. Perhaps the threshold should be over 2000? CM is over 2100 correct? So if they are over 2000 and don't meet all the qualifications for CM or don't have a means of achieving the norms they need, then the LM title would suit them nicely because they are obviously master-quality players who just don't have an official title. Just my 2 cents on this.
For the majority of ambitious Online players the LM title is the only one they have a potential chance of acquiring, because most aren't affiliated with FIDE.

Whoever bears it instantly deserves respect for his/her respective Chess abilities, just as with any other 'official' title.
Maybe differentiate between normal chess and variants? Maybe a LM (LichessMaster) and VM (VariantMaster) ? any more than that might be too much.

Although, keeping it how it is is perfectly fine as well.

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