
What do you guys think about these new variants: One-check chess, two-check chess, capture chess, anti-capture chess

Thank you very much! But what about moving the king before a check can be done..such as 1.Nc3 e6 2.Ne4 Ke7..may I ask?
Frank James Marshall was able to prove one-check chess a victory for white.
If 1.Nc3 e6, then 2. Nb5 Ke7 3. d3 f6 4. Bg5...fxg5 is forced and 5.Qd2 wins.
Thanks guys..what about two-check? Is two-check also a white win, may I ask?

Capture chess is too ridiculous to actually be a game because white should be able to win with 1.e3...2.Qf3...

Anticapture chess may be borderline playable though a mutual zugzwang is what I believe may happen.
#14 Surely two-check chess must be a win for White. Three-check chess already offers White an advantage of roughly a knight, and many times in 3+ I've obtained lost positions out of the opening.
I have played some piece-capture chess (piece meaning not a pawn). It's not a bad game for humans to play, interesting to play.

Three-check chess (3check) doesn't seem to be advantage to white (in practice; theory that a human cannot follow doesn't really matter, or does it?). Most of the games on this site seem to be 1 0 or 0 1 and certainly don't represent high-quality "three-check chess", but still, the last 4 days of three-check games here are 50,8 percent wins for white. This is clearly less than white advantage in "normal" chess.

Two-check chess might be provable to win for white by just playing a few games.
I checked three-check chess game statistics for games from rating 2100 up. It's still bullet or blitz, but a little bit different:
white gets 55,7% from the points. That's near classical chess figures (not the right thing to compare).

White's first move advantage cannot be worth a knight - or can it? To use a computer evaluation is meaningless if it is a weak player, and perhaps even when it is a strong player.

Didn't Kasparov say that a master would beat him with knight odds in classical chess? I don't remember where but a long time ago.
Perfect play would be interesting..
If someone desires to solve three-check chess, strongly solving one-check and two-check (i.e. solve one-check two-check from any arbitrary reachable position, not just the starting position) helps.
I would think that white has much greater odds when playing 3+ chess, if not winning with perfect play, black would have to be very accurate to draw

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