
Some opponents are like this :(

Don't talk to strangers. When you get paired up with anonymous players, just disable the chat.

Moderators will not take action about negative dealings with anonymous players. The terms of service are best enforced with registered players only, of which if you encounter one with bad conduct, please report them.
I was thinking what to suggest. To be honest its not even bothers me that much. But makes me wonder, if you want to insult people why would you do it with a chess game :). I quite like openness in this platform so i suggest to keep anon chatting (for the sake of good apples ;) ). As for banning, since static ip's are not the majority i don't think technically banning will work; you have to identify and ban every time you encounter the same user again and again. Maybe we can find an educative long term solution something like (i am thinking aloud) text in chat area 'Respect to your opponent'.
Just because it says Anonymous doesn't mean that you are. I'm sure it's very easy to log the IP address along with a session ID or cookie of some sort. Not to mention hardware IDs (HWIDs) which identify the specific computer you're on, regardless of any dynamic IP. There are also varying levels of subnets, so even if you're on a dynamic IP it may still obviously be you because only the last few digits of your address are actually changing.
"if you want to insult people why would you do it with a chess game :)"

There has always been trolls on the internet. No, it's not an uplifting thing, but it's a fact.

"Just because it says Anonymous doesn't mean that you are. I'm sure it's very easy to log the IP address along with a session ID or cookie of some sort."
IP addresses can be overridden by technologies (and not only the last few digits will change), sessions and cookies are bound to browsers and there are too many rogue ones out there. Sure, it's "easy", but also futile. Whatever solutions we have, it introduces more problems, maintenance costs, and chances of introducing a denial of service. The winning move is not to play.
Yeah good point. Lichess would need to be installing things on your computer for that to work.
"What year is it?"

Funny coming from someone playing a game that's 1,500 years old.
But anyway, there was at least some effort made to prevent too much anonymity seeing as how lichess blocks TOR users.
Like some anonymous people troll… why not block them for a week if they troll?
personal view on this is that there will never be a good (aka not totalitarian etc) system that will be prevent people to be trolls. it is part of the liberty that we enjoy here on lichess and i think the website features enough functions to avoid/ignore troll: switch off chat, kid mode...

wishing all the people that are bothered by bad behaviour the strength and patience to smile/laugh about it and see it as it is: some words on a computer screen :)

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