
Looking For an IM or GM as Special Guest Player To a Club Online Tournament

Hi, I'm running a small chess club in Africa and plan to have a 3+1 online Lichess training tournament for club members this Friday, 17 May,2024 at 20:30hrs GMT to run for 1hr 20mins. The club is composed of about 20 members. As a way to enhance their strength, I wanted to make this one memorable by inviting a special guest player of IM or GM status across seas. How possible is this and what's the best way to go about it?
One should usually pay some money to a titled player.
Not having a red acc might also help to find some.
Dude, is this a serious question? LOL.
If you want people to attend your event, then you pay them money. If you want a GM or IM to spend time playing, open your wallet.

You think organizers recruit for free? LOL. It's called risk. You put up the money first, organize the event, then hope that you can profit. No risk, no reward. Too much risk, and you're bankrupt. It's called capitalism.