
A pair of interesting puzzles

Actually, Toadofsky is right after all. In mrwatson1's position, it's still checkmate even if both of the knights are taken out. In my position, the rook is essential to block the flight square of the king. So, so far my solution still holds the record.
One of the pawns that are giving check can be removed and it'd still be a checkmate. (d4 or f4)

I've considered this. A checkmate which contains a double check cannot be a solution because one of the checking pieces can be removed and it'd still be a checkmate.
This is about the best I can do:

8/8/8/1PPk1P2/1PP2P2/1PP2P2/8/8 b KQkq

9 pieces, or 10 if you include the White king to make it legal and 11 including the dead meat in the middle. ;)
The pawn on e6 can be removed and the position is still a checkmate
Interesting ... If we remove e6 both kings will be in check. but the black king will still be in checkmate.
@Ashura That's my point. If you agree that one cannot be in check in order to give checkmate, the e6 pawn is needed to/is contributing to the ckeckmate, and counts. But it seems the rules don't care about this and allow a checkmate while in check. It's strange because since it's black to move it could just capture the white king and win. Perhaps we could rewrite the rules so that the solution fits and makes this a good exercise.
Yes I think maybe we should add a rule that removing a piece shouldn't result in both kings being in check.

If you remove the queen on c5, it's still a checkmate.

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