
Search "user:venanzio0812"

16 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - whose stupid idea was the game creation and selection rating change#12

on my ipad I cannot change anything. just the +/- crap instead of being able to enter the rating. can someone show me how to change the source code on the ipad and avoid all this stupidity?

General Chess Discussion - whose stupid idea was the game creation and selection rating change#9

here is what is wrong. before you could pick the range of ratings that you desired. full and complete control, no ambiguity. now you are restricted by some idiots choice of what is allowable with no e…

General Chess Discussion - whose stupid idea was the game creation and selection rating change#3

ah, so its not ok to get upset when something that has been working for a long time is broken. are you a black lives matter or antifa supporter too?

General Chess Discussion - whose stupid idea was the game creation and selection rating change#1

what an idiotic idea. is there around this crap

Lichess Feedback - Unable to see other challanges posted#3

i challenge him and he cannot see it

General Chess Discussion - missing pieces on board and in captured piece area#3

for about a 45 minute period, when I started a game someone else initiated or I initiated, there were pieces missing from the board and the captured piece location in crazyhouse had the same pieces mi…

General Chess Discussion - missing pieces on board and in captured piece area#1

how do I fix this?

General Chess Discussion - what does it mean if there is no follow button to select#1

where is follow button

Lichess Feedback - why do i get timed out when there is no pieces on the board that lichess gives me#1

what is wrong with lichess to time me out when i start a game with board pieces missing. how can i play the game when you do not put all the pieces on the board?

Lichess Feedback - when i start a crazyhouse game, am missing pieces on board#1

what is wrong at lichess? when i start a crazyhouse game, missing pieces on board or in piece capture area??
