
Search "user:pointlesswindows"

2869 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - So many accounts with 3000+ rating that dont have title#4

"With a plankwood, mister."

General Chess Discussion - Account close for lifetime#6

Closing the account is like vanishing into the digital mist, right? No trace, no fame, just the secret online superhero cape. But hold up – someone out there thinks they're a username detective, with …

General Chess Discussion - Settling on e4 opening#19

Ah, the eternal struggle of choosing a chess opening – it's like picking between a salad and a pizza when you're starving. The Italian, the opening that's been sitting quietly in the corner, sipping o…

General Chess Discussion - So many accounts with 3000+ rating that dont have title#2

Well, 3000+ ratings bloom like virtual flowers, yet titles play hide and seek. It's like a grandmaster's secret party, and not everyone got the invitation. Why bother with titles when you can rule the…

General Chess Discussion - Spite#11

@AsianBishop said in #8: > Why so many similies So that the forum readers can read something. There is plenty of boring posts already.

General Chess Discussion - Spite#5

@AsianBishop said in #4: > Am I too young for this or something bcuz I didnt get any of that Well, looks like the train passed by, and you missed it like a ninja in tap shoes. No worries, though! If y…

General Chess Discussion - What will you do if you become World Chess Champion?#8

It's simple. 1. Press conferences shall be conducted solely in emojis. 2. Forget the stoic post-match analysis. I'd host a snack extravaganza with popcorn, nachos, and a chocolate fountain. Because, r…

General Chess Discussion - How does one learn opening theory?#5

Fear not, for mastering openings is like learning to salsa but with more knights and less spicy sauce. Embrace the joy, the blunders, and the victory moonwalks. May your openings shine like a chessboa…

General Chess Discussion - Spite#3

Picture this: a grandmaster extends a hand in the digital realm, saying, "Shall we dance again?" Only to yank it back faster than a cat retracting its paw from a surprise touch. It's the waltz of mixe…

General Chess Discussion - what lichess streamers do you like#6

Lichess Streamers reign supreme. ZugAddict sacrifices pieces with a battle cry, Lady GambitGuru dances with gambits, Count BlunderMaster blunders gracefully, EndgameMaestro orchestrates endgame sympho…
