
Search "user:andr4050"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - rating points#1

got to 1893 and won a match and i was expeding to reach 1900 finally. but I only got 5 points when I won g damnnnnittt. then I couldnt resist playing another and I lost 6 points and I was like what th…

General Chess Discussion - cheating#1

are there more cheaters on than lichess ? I switched to lichess cause I got tired of all the cheaters in the 15/10 poll i think 2 out 10 games where against cheaters on but on lich…

General Chess Discussion - laptop when turning on engine#1

when I turn the evaluation on when analyzing my games my laptop sounds like its about to explode. does anyone else also have this problem ?

General Chess Discussion - why did I lose?#3

you cant mate with bishop and king. so what legal sequence ?

General Chess Discussion - why did I lose?#1

can somebody tell me why it was not a draw when my clock ran out in my match against ehabbnasy ? he only had a bishop so Why was it not a draw its the third most recent game in my rapid matches.

General Chess Discussion - Introvert#2

do you have links to the studies ?
