
Search "user:Realraptor"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Team Arenas stop pairing - intended? over-ridable?#3

Bump. Is there a way to get the arena software to keep re-pairing the same players when everyone else in an arena has paused themselves?

Lichess Feedback - Team Arenas stop pairing - intended? over-ridable?#1

Hi I'm helping chessdojo setup Endgame Sparring arenas. We moved from to lichess in July and I'm learning to love Lichess. However, I'm told that when most arena participants have paused, an…

General Chess Discussion - Counting instances of famous endgames like lucena position#1

First post. Is there a way to see how often an ending like K+B+NvK or the Lucena or Philidor position happens on Lichess in a month?
