
Search "user:Diaconu_Teodora"

1552 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Some random Horsey's#1 Umm...yeah. Quick little information: Earthsey: that's my mascot:D he's the coolest of them all but hides a little secret...hehehe Royal Horsey: he is the king of... somethin…

Off-Topic Discussion - Horsey's at the water park!#18

@morphyms1817 said in #17: > @Diaconu_Teodora Would horsey go to a cosplay party? Maybe...

Off-Topic Discussion - Horsey's at the water park!#13

@clousems said in #5: > Is this a Tomie situation? > > Also, I think the horsey in the center foreground is dead. I suspect the shadowy horsey in the trees is responsible The horsey in center that you…

Off-Topic Discussion - Horsey's at the water park!#1 Yeah I know, it's kinda bad... it's been a while ever since I did one of these. The idea is from @ sriyamathur . I'm SO sorry I didn't do it soon enough... it's been almost a…

Off-Topic Discussion - Whos your fav forum poster#11

@DeadlyKillerInstinct said in #4: > The guys who made the pandemic era fun for most of us! (The sad part is today's posters don't even know most of them. Yeah:( I won't forget the good ol' days when t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Cats or Dogs who will win?#35

I prefer cats. I mean just look how cute they are:D

Off-Topic Discussion - Merry Christmas!!#1

Merry Christmas! Hope you are having a great Christmas!

Off-Topic Discussion - "Warriors Cats"#8

Yeah, I have read one of the books (A Vision Of Shadows, book 2 which is Thunder And Shadow). I remember that I really liked Alderpaw (Alderheart).

Off-Topic Discussion - What is your favorite variant?#29

Racing Kings.

Off-Topic Discussion - What are your favourite subjects in school?#11

I liked arts. However in middle school we BARELY did anything. Soo yeah.
