
Karma / Fair-Play Rating

What about introducing some kind of a Fair-Play Rating to give your opponend a thumbs up or down after a game.

This might motivate some players to avoid rude or trolling behavior like let the clock run out in lost positions.
This feature could be used to filter such players when searching for games.

What do you think?
I think that this feature could be used by trolls to decrease some players' rating because they've lost some games
I don't know how it could be used by players
I was just about to post what @Alev293 said.... it would just lead to a new form of trolling in which sore losers downvote people they lose to.
#2: As long as the trolls are in the minority i don't see a problem with this.
One can also limit the voting to once per player and not per game to avoid multiple thumbs down from a single troll.

In the end it could work like the puzzle rating.
Definitely nice thing, yet this must go with simple rule that you can vote only up and only after loosing game to that player, not down.
Would be cool rule for forums too, that you can post only games in which you was defeated. It's easy to call your own game immortal, but to call someone's else game great, well, you need to be wise and impartial to do this. And thus deserve some forum space.
Old internet wisdom: don't feed the troll.

I support the idea of awarding fair players. What if a player could only give thumbs up? Then each player could have a profile field showing the percentage of positive ratings he received, e.g. "This player has played against 100 different opponents and 27 of them rated them positive."

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