
How to Lichess Voice

> Just one thing, the icon for voice on/off gets covered by the exchanged pieces next to the username (on pc, at least). It can't be pressed after that. Just wanted to let you know so that the appearance gets fixed.

I see that, thanks! In the meantime you can fix it by increasing the size of your board a bit.
I've been waiting for this feature and you all developed it lighting fast! My ideal scenario is to be able to play OTB with it, and not have to look at the screen too much. Time to get a really good portable microphone for my phone LOL

Blog post really clarifies some of the settings too. Thanks so much!!

In the future we might send the recognized text and disambiguation along with the resolved move. This could be used to improve substitution cost maps over time, but that system is not yet in place. At the moment we just send the UCI same as mouse or touch.
@schlawg said in #15:
> @boilingFrog
> In the future we might send the recognized text and disambiguation along with the resolved move. This could be used to improve substitution cost maps over time, but that system is not yet in place. At the moment we just send the UCI same as mouse or touch.

Nothing about comfort/stress indications ?

Surprising ...
@schlawg said in #17:
> That would be a bit creepy.

No voice print meta-data ?

Very difficult to believe, colleague ...
Eye don't own a microphone, thus could not test this, but the article is excellent and left me quite curious about his new feature. Well thought out interface for us newbies, i think.