
[Suggestion] The lichess app

Hi. I recently picked up the lichess app and I wanna say that I love it, but I there are two things about it that are kinda bugging me right now. These might affect only a small group of people (Myself included), but under the right circumstances I think they can get to anyone.

First off are the game's Draw offers.
They show up out of the blue. There have been times when I've attempted to move a piece in the bottom left side of the board and ended up drawing a winning game instead.
I think maybe draw offers shouldn't show up as pop-ups, or that a confirmation button should be added.

Then there's the way games are resigned.
Something very unfortunate happened to me just now. I was just about to win a game when my opponent requested a takeback; I saw the menu button blip and decided I'd decline the request. So I opened the menu and was about to hit that decline button when my opponent decided to play. The menu reverted back to it's usual state and I hit the resign button instead.
I figure it might not be possible to realign the buttons to avoid this situation due to the varying phone sizes, so maybe a confirmation option could be a fix.

At the end of the day neither of these are a big deal since ratings will even themselves out in the long run, but it's kind of upsetting to have a good game go down the drain due to a mishap.
I'm sorry, I realize this thread hasn't been posted in for weeks, but I really wanted to stop by and show my gratitude.

Thank you so much for the changes. I honestly thought these suggestions would be overlooked, so I was really, really happy to see the new features in-game like 3 days after making this thread.
They have saved me a good number of times already. :P
Does anyone know if crazyhouse would ever be available on lichess app and what is the problem in making it so?

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