
Lichess v2 is coming

@lovlas Gave a quick look at the CSS files and it seems all by design to me, not a random bug... another example: having the browser in a non maximized state (so a smaller, more square window, but still relatively big), current design behave very nicely and render like this:

New design, renders like this:
It's not by design. The entire site is scalable. Not only the text. That's kinda the entire point of it.
@bufferunderrun I don't think it's a cache issue since it was my first visit ever to the .dev domain on this machine right before I took the screenshots; it may be however a Firefox issue, since the main page with Chrome zooms better... tried to clear the cache anyway, and still, at default 100% zoom, it doesn't look nearly as tiny as you first screenshot (what's your screen resolution?) but way more bigger and with half a page needing scrolling

Study page continues to scales in an odd way with both browsers, and still doesn't makes use of the free bottom space if you just resize the board

Anyway, hopefully these are all "work in progress" issues, but the gist I get is that the main focus is on smart devices screen, and the rest will have to get by with whatever big layout it turn out to be
Donno why you would think that. V2 is gonna be vastly superior to V1 on browsers as well.
I think LarsenB is right, the new version is better suited for smartphones than desktop users, but I don't mind that very much. I hope in the future the devs will work on themed and rated tactics.
#272 Here's a side-by-side view of the two versions on my screen, both at 100% zoom.

Evidently v2 makes better use of the real estate, even with some elements being larger (deliberately so; v1 was deemed too small, so it might just take some getting used to). That said, I've quicky mspainted an alternative layout:

It looks better and makes more sense to me, but feel free to chime in.

As pointed out in #274, it zooms properly, it's probably something on your end.

Edit: #275 "Study page continues to scale in an odd way"
Granted, but I'd assume fixing Study scaling for users who like tiny boards isn't a priority. Also remember that .dev v2 isn't even the "final" version, and it'll continue getting worked on after being deployed to .org. This seems like something that'll get fixed at some point.

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