
Why I Like John Bartholomew's Feed Above All Others

1) He doesn't play insipid electronic music in the background
2) He explains clearly, even in bullet games, what he is doing and why
3) He wins graciously; when he loses, he loses graciously: how many streamers will say "I got crushed in that game?"
4) He pays attention to chat, acknowledges questions and comments, and is never too full of himself to blow people off, no matter what their rating.
5) The guy is just plain mid-Western friendly: who would be a better person to hang out with, have a beer with, talk about chess with, then JB?
6) As a weak player, I can honestly say I have learned more from his lessons and games than from any book or on line teacher.

Thanks for all you bring to the game we love Mr. B.
I also like Youtube Levy. Twitch Levy not so much but on youtube he's pretty chill.
My take is that IM's make better streamers than GM's, based on Bartholemew, Roseman and Rosen.

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