
I suggest a change to the rules of chess

Too often my opponents take with their knight on my f pawn, forking my king and queen and ruining the game for me. I suggest the f pawn be uncapturable by knights to avoid this. I would be a super grand master 100 rating points above Magnum Carl if it wasn't for this terrible chess rule thank you. I hope lichess hears this and officially changes the rules of chess.
@ Forhavu, agreed. Moreover, i really hate facing the king's gambit so i suggest that the f pawn would be unable to move ("never plays f3" or f4 here).
The common point between your problem and mine is the f pawn ... coincidence ? i don't think so.
Exactly, I'm glad other people are recognizing this fundamental problem with the laws of chess.
To implement this, I suggest both f pawns to wear a vivid colour baseball cap (let's say yellow for black, pink for white). They will look like bosses with their caps soooo cute. Won't they?
Are you all mad? Is this some type of troll post? :/ It's clear that the g pawn is the issue here. Moving of the g pawn allows for the use of the infamous grob's opening which is just unstoppable. Rather than trolling the chess community with your suggestions why not focus on the more important issue at hand: making it impossible for the g pawn to move.
What is this post in general? Find a way to defend against threats before it's too late. The main reason that you find it annoying is because you don't recognize your opponent's threats in time before they make them. Practice on that, and you will not hate the f-pawn anymore.
The problem is the opponents are allowed to make these threats. That's completely unacceptable. How would you feel if we were playing football and I threatened to score a touchdown?

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