
Blowing a 2600 off the board

Strongest opponent I've ever beat on lichess, feels pretty good. Was a very sharp, bloody game that ended quickly, hence the title of this forum post :P . Well enjoy the game, feel free to leave comments, questions etc. Cheers!
Sorry to take your illusions from you, but you beated a cheaterboy. His bullet rating is 100 points lower than yours.
I have played many games against this person, and I don't believe that he's a cheater. I have multiple arguments for that
1) He has played 325 classical games, and still hasn't been caught for cheating
2) In some of our previous games he's been in lost positions multiple times.I can't outplay an engine
3) In some of our games he's made some pretty serious miscalculations that a cheater would never make
4) Well, I won. I've never beaten a strong chess engine, nor could I. Most likely no human could.

Even if you consider him a cheater (meaning in this case you think he maybe just flipped his engine on when he felt he was already lost), why do you think that would "take my illusions away from me"? If I managed to win that position against the strongest possible defence, that would make it even more impressive.
Just not cheating against me. Guess the guy likes me,eh?
Just because someone has a low bullet rating doesn't mean that they cheat. They could just be bad at time. There are many people that are good at long time controls, don't cheat, and are bad at bullet.
Good win for you. I definitely think your opponent is not a cheater, he just can't play bullet well due to time management problems.
Much more likely than bad time managemenz is bad connection. E.g. in his last bullet loss
he lost on time in good position with 40s on the clock.
At slow time controls a connection hiccup won't matter as much.
This is a very impressive win out of the opening. It looks flawless. It seems like 11...c4 is the strategic mistake.

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