IM ValeriyGrinev Lichess coach picture

IM Valeriy Grinev

The author of a unique teaching technique. A qualified trainer with successful experience both in children's chess and at the level of national teams.

LocationKyiv Ukraine
Languagesрусский язык
RatingFIDE: 244125702504
AvailabilityNot accepting students at the moment

About me

Throughout my youthful career in chess, I have always been interested in coaching questions: “What training program is the most effective?”, “How to approach the game in the optimal form?”, “What qualities determine, first of all, the player’s strength?”. On the other hand, I always admired people who loved chess not for victory, but in essence. In a word, loving chess for the beauty of the struggle.
Very soon, in one small club in the city of Kiev (Ukraine), a place was freed up to work as a coach. And I, as the owner of a master rank at that time, was taken out of competition. I got the opportunity to test my coaching findings in practice. Very quickly, I realized that the issues of optimizing sports uniforms were obscured by comparison with the eternal questions of the coach of beginner chess players: “How to teach children to follow the threats of an opponent?”, “How to interest a child in chess?”, “What is the most effective way to conduct classes?” , "How much time is spent on lectures, and how much is on studying the parties and solving problems?".
Little by little, children performed categories, won the championships of Kiev, became prize-winners of the championships of Ukraine, the countries of the European Union. My knowledge of the teaching methods for top-level chess players required a definite way out, which resulted in a series of my lectures that I gave to the best coaches of Ukraine in refresher courses for coaches. Until now, I am very pleased to participate in such events, because I perceive these courses not only as trainings for trainers, but as an exchange of views with the most active colleagues.
However, in addition to the accumulation of knowledge, I was always inspired by people who, despite life's difficulties, took an active position. To defeat circumstances and prove to yourself - what you really stand for has always been my spiritual ideal. As a result, all this resulted in proposals for me to lead the national team of Ukraine in chess, with people with visual impairments.
As a result of my work, in addition to the tournament achievements, which I will discuss below, I have found not only true friends with whom I continue close communication (and with many, cooperation) on an ongoing basis. But also worthy objects of imitation of love for chess! I have always been interested in how far options can be taken so far without seeing not only boards, but also hours and tables. With the technical calculation as a whole, everything is clear to me. But what about the fact that a visually impaired chess player manages to control his attention without fatigue for many hours in a row! If these guys do this, then why do we sometimes pass in front of difficulties?
After the second place at the World Chess Olympiad with the national team of Ukraine among people with visual impairments, I set myself the task of identifying the most successful system for preparing children from zero to high achievement chess players. The latest technologies have made it possible to take a fresh look at this issue.
The creative quest ended with the result that I teach my students. I’m sure I managed to create a technique (known as the Grinev’s technique) that helps chess players of different levels to achieve their sporting goals in a short time. Many children of different ages were able to realize their ideas and dreams. I’m sure in the future - chess will become exactly that educational tool that will allow you to achieve your goals simply by playing!

Playing experience

: Winner of the prestigious tournaments “Nakhichevan Open 2017”, Bonn Open 2019, Lukopen (Lille) - shared 1-4 place, Winner Championship Kyiv 2017, participant in the final stage of the Ukrainian chess championship, in which he entered the top 10 chess players of Ukraine.
International master since 2012. Forgive me the organizers and those tournaments where I successfully played and did not mention. If desired, everything can be found in the search engine. For the past 10 years I have been positioning myself as a coach, so we won’t go too far in transfers of achievements!

Teaching experience

Today, I regularly collaborate with children from 6 years of age, adults regardless of age and social status.
Among the students there are chess players from the initial level of training (it even happened to replace classes with 3-year-old young chess players. I can’t say that this is my age c but his color in the lesson was clearly. According to my methods, an effective ranking begins with the introduction of discipline in education), to international grandmasters. Experience includes coaching both individual athletes and entire clubs and national teams.
Other experience: Also participated in refereeing tournaments. He also judged mass tournaments of sportsmen and (oh thanks for trust) Ukrainian championships. Thanks to the experience of refereeing, it was possible to understand and systematize many points in the rules of chess, which are often considered debatable in game practice.
In 2013 was a commentator on the largest tournament at the moment, held in Ukraine - Sberbank open 2013.
Well, from the hot news - the coaching and captaincy of the winning team of the All-European Internet Euroleague! :)
In 2020 a series of educational manuals will be released that reflect my experience and training of chess fans! You can master this unique method of Grinev at educational lectures, courses and manuals issued by me and my team!
Fortunately, the experience of being close to chess, since so far the process of learning new things and transferring your experience is a great pleasure.

Other experiences

Oficcial commentator Ukrainina Super Tornament Sberbank open 2013.

Best skills

Affordable training program, which includes the ability to count options, the development of combination vision. skills for evaluating a position and developing a plan in typical positions.

Teaching methodology

Work on chess, on all kinds of techniques and technologies allowed us to collect all the best that was from the leading trainers of the world, complementing this with original author's developments. (method of Grinev)
Terms of cooperation: I collaborate both individually and with groups from 6 years to 100+. With a level of preparedness from players who know the rules and purpose of a chess game, to owners of international titles who dream of raising the level of the game. Consider cooperation with teams and national teams. (in other words, all people who deserve respect)