

4 members

Hello guys this is THEbestTEAMyouSEEN Aka TheBestTeamYouSeen and this is the best team ever! This team was designed by Planes_18 and Chess0315 on 4/21/2024 and this team hosts Swiss tournaments arenas and Team battles.

TEAM RULES (Please follow team rules)
NO cheating
NO spamming
NO insults
NO asking for leadership
and Be kind to everybody!

Recommended teams

Recommended teams
attractors chess club
Rapid Matchup Everyday tournaments
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AAA Squad
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Chess0315 and friends
Chess0315 and all
Chess0315's Chess Club
Fight For win

Tell Chess0315 to add a friendly team!

Any questions about the team message Chess0315!

Our goals
5 members
10 members
15 members
30 members
50 members
100 members
300 members
500 members
1000 members
2000 members

TOURNAMENT POINTS (if you have enough tournament point message chess0315 to get it!)

1 tournament point. Supporter
5 tournament points. Get to play Chess0315
10 tournament points. Get to be team leader and message something to the team
30 tournament points. Share a puzzle study and a game to the team
50 tournament points. Get to be a team leader for 1 week (if you are rated over 2000 you get to be a team leader for 5 weeks
100 tournament points. Get to be a team leader
BONUS. If you get over 50 points in a tournament you get 100 points

If you join you get to be a team leader (If you are a titled player) And all team battles we play in please play for us .

Our titled players
NM Planes_18

our patrons

our bots

Please whenever you for our team don't give up and keep playing!


THEbestTEAMyouSEEN forumChess0315 •

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