
Search "user:h4rl3k1n"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Improvement: Puzzles only from games of selected openings #1

It would be great if one could select certain openings and then get puzzles only from games which were played from these openings. It would allow one to get into typical tactics in no time. For instan…

FM h4rl3k1n
Lichess Feedback - Training feature: "learn from your mistakes" for all my games in a row#1

The "learn from your mistakes" feature is quite useful. Unfortunately, I can only use it for single games. It would be even more useful if one could create a whole set of exercises from it. Right now,…

FM h4rl3k1n
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Puzzles sorted by opening#1

I would love to get puzzles (especially tactics) sorted by openings. Let's say I want to practice the Schliemann, so I only request puzzles from Schliemann games. Or in case I want to get to know the …

FM h4rl3k1n
Lichess Feedback - Insights#5

I would love to see this too. Would be an excellent tool to monitor progress.

FM h4rl3k1n