
Search "user:Snowden"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - cheating in chess (not here specifically, gen discussion)#12

Thats neither difficult nor a problem, at least its not mine - maybe its yous, MeLikeCooki, but thats not what I wanted to post here. To difficult?

General Chess Discussion - cheating in chess (not here specifically, gen discussion)#8

What player are you talking about MeWantCookie, and in how far should this affect the answer I gave to the above-mentioned question, if something like this accures? - I can name the cases I talked abo…

General Chess Discussion - cheating in chess (not here specifically, gen discussion)#2

Im rather disturbed by bad players who think something must be wrong if someone simply plays better than them and than accuse the winner of cheating with the offence of their blind ambition as the onl…

General Chess Discussion - Interesting logic#7

Thanks Bourbon, if I get you right, this is exactly what I think, and what has been proven before lichess all of a sudden came forth with such nonsense, but its an additional part of the mentioned "lo…

General Chess Discussion - Interesting logic#1

This seems interesting to me, to be banned for 10 or 20 min. for aborting games where the opponent didnt play his part - never put the blame on the causer of a problem, but always to the one who suffe…

Lichess Feedback - New Interface#41

O.k. - i confirm the suggested proposal!
