
Search "user:Sleprithslayer"

57 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - i have lost all my enthusiasm#8

You're a bum who doesn't have what it takes. You're a chump, and a loser. You will never make it. You're weak and pathetic. You're a fool. I'M BETTER THAN YOU. Is that enough motivation? If that doesn…

General Chess Discussion - Looking For an IM or GM as Special Guest Player To a Club Online Tournament#3

Dude, is this a serious question? LOL. If you want people to attend your event, then you pay them money. If you want a GM or IM to spend time playing, open your wallet. You think organizers recruit fo…

General Chess Discussion - I‘m 15 and have a rating of 2600... do you think I can become a GM?#32

@Wasted_Youth said in #7: > It has a couple of hundred thousand square km more than the U.S.; try a road trip from Gibraltar to the North Cape in Norway to start to get the feel of it. > > What you pr…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?#43

@mkubecek said in #40: > Mocking or not, I still dislike this practice and I'm glad that unlike chesscom, lichess not only does not encourage it but essentially forbids it. Aren't you the same guy tha…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?#39

@MarkIorio said in #7: > I absolutely agree, except for sort of a Nakamura's "dark side", that shows out in the "disrespectful" video series, when he plays online under newly created identities to low…

General Chess Discussion - Bobby vs Magnus: Who would win?#23

@PaulC123 said in #18: > Fisher! > > How time has made so many forget. (And throw out these modern Hyper inflated FIDE ratings .... they are not real!... and that has been proven.... started with Kasp…

General Chess Discussion - It is a terrible format to run the Women FIDE candidates & the FIDE candidates at the same time.#16

@mkubecek said in #8: > They do and out of the 8 participants in the tournament, 6 are higher rated than this range. (And in total, 12 women have rating higher than 2500.) > > > This is snobish, nothi…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?#31

Naka, because he's never had the opportunity to play for the title. He's the oldest player at the tournanment. He won't have many other chances. Gukesh, and those young guys, will be around for decade…

General Chess Discussion - It is a terrible format to run the Women FIDE candidates & the FIDE candidates at the same time.#7

Yep. They have both tournaments at the same time, precisely because the tournament organizers cannot earn a good return on their investment from the women's tournaments. It has low viewership. From a …

General Chess Discussion - Can playing bullet damage your rapid skill?#11

No, it cannot. But if you make 60 moves a minute in a 15/0 rapid game against an equal rated player, you're opponent will most likely destroy you. As long as you slow down, then of course playing bull…
