
Search "user:LandyPJY"

285 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Should the USCF ban cheaters?#1

There is a cheater who won at least 1850$ from the US open in 2023 and 2300$ from the Chicago open in 2023. He was still allowed to play I believe after he was caught, I heard this from word of mouth.…

Lichess Feedback - Custom tactics?#1

Option to add custom tactics to lichess. they have to be legit. they can go into the puzzle database. Like tactics from over the board play.

Off-Topic Discussion - Can't Russia and Ukraine just hold a chess tournament?#11

I feel Ivanchuk would win against Karjakin. Lets create this match. 1v1.

General Chess Discussion - do not play chess in union square#1

Very dangerous place. They are not respectful, they are not nice. They threatened me. :(

General Chess Discussion - Option to remove username from appearing on leaderboard#10

Maybe the option to disable ratings? Like say you take a break from playing Classical. So you can switch the mode to disabled. Then it will prevent you from playing Classical but at the same time, it …

Off-Topic Discussion - Registration for Grenke 2022?#1

How do I register for the open in this event? I cant find anything online.

Off-Topic Discussion - Can you see the real me?#7


Off-Topic Discussion - things is better at#19

Chesscom is a better site to troll on EVERYONE, please, sandbag, multiaccount, streamsnipe, and troll on chesscom!!!

Off-Topic Discussion - Opinion on Society not Walking Enough#5

It is so lonely too being on the road and walking, and not seeing other people! :(

Off-Topic Discussion - Opinion on Society not Walking Enough#2

Also walking is good for processing and thinking!! That is super important for personal growth in my opinion!!
