
Search "user:Baybars"

54 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Randomized puzzles themes#1

Hello there ! I don't know if it was a request before (couldn't find it) but it would be so cool if we could select a few themes in the puzzle dashboard and have theses puzzles randomized. Like I coul…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request : New Filter for Chess Insight#1

Hi' Do you think it's possible to add a filter time in Chess Insight ? Like on your profile you can choose a certain amount of time to see you improvement, it will be the same in the chess insight men…

General Chess Discussion - Advice me some good free open-source chess websites like Lichess#13

Chesscademy is great too.

General Chess Discussion - How far can you go for a win ?#13

Little_Bobby_Tables you just don't understand my point. I'm not complaining about the time control of lose on time. Just I don't see the point to ramdomly move a piece just to gain time when we both h…

General Chess Discussion - How far can you go for a win ?#12

#7 Hahahahaha you so right Jorjo I forgot that it was a draw even if the clock was out. You're right and this discussion is pointless now.

General Chess Discussion - How far can you go for a win ?#6

#2. No it's not the same situation at all.

General Chess Discussion - How far can you go for a win ?#5

I'm not whining about the time control. I just find this kind of way of playing pathetic and useless. It was clearly a draw so make one and do no try to win on time when we both have more than 30 seco…

General Chess Discussion - How far can you go for a win ?#1

Hi' Is this a normal behavior because, like some says, it's blitz and in blitz the clock it's the clock. I have to say some people can get way low to flag somebody. It's pathetic and I feel sorry for …

General Chess Discussion - Take back ettiquette#4

It's online chess. A couple days ago I obviously mouse slip at the worst moment and my opponent don't accept to take back what I understand completly haha. Have a go…

General Chess Discussion - double rook sacrifice with a beautiful mate !!#13

Wow really nice man !
