
Search "user:Aeilnrst"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - [Feature request] 15 seconds + 0 games. ¼+0 games.#17

1 sec hypermegabullet would be fun to watch. They'd have to be premoving everything, and each game would last 2 seconds tops for the spectators. Or you know what might actually be interesting? 0 min +…

General Chess Discussion - How did you pick your lichess username?#30

The letters a e i l n r s t are important in competitive Scrabble. You want to save some of them for next turn so that you'll have higher odds of making a valuable word, instead of just using all your…

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Off-Topic Discussion - Should Chess Have Affirmitive Action? Shouldn't we do more to combat racism in chess?#7

"I think in chess we to do something to combat racism and sexism so that it is more equal for all people until we have an equal number of all races and sexes in the top 100, just like it is in academi…

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General Chess Discussion - Correspondence Chess against weak engine#3

I would play this! Unrated obviously, and I don't mind which color I play as.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: rating for games against computer#3 does something like this, except they actually put the computer opponents into each player pool with the humans. You can challenge them to rated games and they naturally settle at reasonable…

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General Chess Discussion - 100 Boards Correspondence#2

I tried to challenge you but it says "SoulPeace only accepts challenges from friends."
