
Search "user:HGabor"

17 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Procrastination in chess decision making#1

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CM HGabor
Community Blog Discussions - Don’t drop your ideas like hot potatoes#1

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CM HGabor
Community Blog Discussions - Why Chess Books Don't Work#22

@SCHUSCHKR0ETE said in #20: > Maybe there is a trend towards other resources that show convincing results as well Chessable courses and Youtube videos show convincing results insofar as the authors ca…

CM HGabor
Community Blog Discussions - Why Chess Books Don't Work#17

I have coached more than 100 people and know at least a dozen professional coaches personally. I am yet to see or hear about a player who "reads piles of books without seeing their rating go up". This…

CM HGabor
Lichess Feedback - Block blog posts from certain players#1

It would be nice to have the possibility to block the blog posts of certain people from the front page, as some titled players started to churn out low quality blog posts which is a daily annoyance to…

CM HGabor
Community Blog Discussions - The 8+ Method: Key Idea to Excelling as a Writer and Course Creator#6

@DonkeyWinsChess said in #4: > I feel like you don’t really know much about GM Avetik and his company and are not able to say it’s bad, because you haven’t really checked the succes of all the people …

CM HGabor
Community Blog Discussions - The 8+ Method: Key Idea to Excelling as a Writer and Course Creator#3

@Motroskin said in #2: > So, am I the only person who feels this like a shameless course advert? > > Despite the name of the article and main topics, the article itself poorly compiled both in terms o…

CM HGabor