
Who wants an option all the player's raiting to be hidden during tournaments?

#10 I agree, but you can't play rated games against anonymous opponents and sometimes I face strange behaviour against those like rage-quitting, asking for takebacks and so forth. Not that it's a big deal, but I prefer rated games now.
I now played a handfull of rated games with Arcticpenguin's style and I must say I absolutely love it to not know the opponent's rating while playing. Sometimes I'm really surprised when I look at their ratings after the game.

Arcticpenguin, could you possibly also hide the head-to-head scores table below the board? Sometimes it gives a clear clue as to what the rating might be - if either I already lost or won, say, 10 out of 10 games against the guy... :-)

anonymous tournaments... hmm interesting.

Would be nice to have one every other day or something.
I might actually. lol. Sometimes when I'm playing badly and it reflects in my ratings it affects my chess playing.
I must say I really enjoy playing rated games like that and I encourage others to try it out - it's a lot of fun to look at the opponents ratings after the games and see how you sometimes are way off with your guess :-)

And I think it really is an interesting option for those guys streaming their games online as well. I'd guess those watching would be pretty soon engaged in heated discussions about what the estimated rating of the current opponents is. ;-)

It's true though that beserking is even more risky if you don't know the opponent's rating. You might end up beserking Eric Hansen - which, well, wouldn't probably change the expected outcome anyway :-)
Since I never beserk I personally don't care.

While the provided script is easily good enough for me I would like to see it as an "official" option. Not sure if it's worth it to re-open this thread in the feedback section of the forum?!

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