
"Paul Morphy, whom many consider the greatest tactician of all time". I don´t think the same.

I read that phrase in this book.
Chess: A Celebration of 2, 000 Years [Roswin Finkenzeller, Wilhelm Zieher, Emil M. Buhrer]
Book published in 1989 or 1990.
I think he was the best player of the XIX century, but I doubt the veracity of the phrase.
How many games are there registered by Morphy? About 480?
In the first 90 years of the XX century, there should be many players better than him, because of the increase in level and inflation.
Do you think like me?
Bruh. you know what the word "consider" means? You know what advertising means?
the phrase considers how far ahead he was in understanding the game compared to his competition back then.

if u would clone him and give him a tactics trainer, tactics books and access to a computer engine he may be the best tactician of todays age.

he also wasnt spending all night and day studying chess because there was a civil war going on and other things.
@ChicagoDragon People (including myself) consider Morphy to be the most naturally gifted chess player of all time. Despite there being very little chess theory at the time and his complete lack of chess education, he still played, at least in my opinion, at about a grandmaster level.
I am more impressed with chess players of era when there was no computers. Just imagine how many hours one has to dedicate to analyse bazzilion positions and variations...
True, but you could argue that any top level player is "the best".
Something to consider: Morphy didn't play chess for very long, he only played until he was old enough to practice law then he quit. He thought chess was a silly waste of his time. I believe that if he had dedicated his life to chess the way modern grandmasters do, he would have been the strongest player of all time.
Nice video. Pretty funny that one of the most talented chess players ever, considered chess to be a waste of time, lol.

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