
Why this game is not drawn

There are often exceptions to general rules.
"At most draw" with a lone minor piece is more than 99% true.
Can you make some statistics in your database ?
Overstepping the time is lost. Exception: no mate possible for the opponent. No further exceptions of the exception. ;)
How often does someone with a lone pawn win against Queen+Rook+Rook? Should this be a draw if the QRR-Player flags? What about a lone rook? Surely someone with a single rook is never ever going to win against QRR?!

If you start to bring "It's unlikely that X is gonna win" into the picture, you quickly end up with "The final position gets analyzed by Stockfish, and if the guy who flagged is up by +2 or more , it's a draw" or similar idiocy.

The FIDE rule of "It's a draw if there exists no legal series of moves which leads to mate" is the only thing that is entirely unbiased and just makes sense.
The sole alternative to this would be "You always lose if you flag" - so be glad it isn't that!

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