
OTB unnecessary "adjusting"

I've had several games OTB where my opponent would constantly "adjust" my pieces countless of times, even when I make the point to place it perfectly center. Often they simply grab my piece without moving it to distract/annoy me. It's pretty clear to me what they're doing and over time I get pretty irritated by how blatant it is. Since it is done on their time it's not against the rules, but it's clearly an abuse of power. Can I call an arbiter for this, how do I go about proving it if they deny wrongdoing?
Were there similar cases before and what was done?
I've watched Magnus and I've seen him doing it to his own pieces in the middle of a game (when I thought it was touch move)but I didn't know opponents could do it to yours seems well ooo xxx
If they don't say "adjust" while they're doing it, it is against the rules. And even if they do say so, excessive amounts of that sort of thing can lead to a warning from the TD.
@MrPushwood said in #4:
> If they don't say "adjust" while they're doing it, it is against the rules. And even if they do say so, excessive amounts of that sort of thing can lead to a warning from the TD.

What's a TD?
@MrPushwood said in #4:
> If they don't say "adjust" while they're doing it, it is against the rules. And even if they do say so, excessive amounts of that sort of thing can lead to a warning from the TD.

Often it wasn't just excessive but completely unnecessary with the purpose to annoy me. Next time I suppose I'll call an arbiter but in the game I was just worried that they would be more malicious with it while the arbiter wasn't watching.
First of all, adjusting pieces is only permitted when a player has move.

If it’s too much one can summon the arbiter ofc.
I'd place my pieces off-centre on purpose, and have the knight look backwards, to make my picky opponent waste even more time.
@Alioma123 said in #1:
> Hi,
> I've had several games OTB where my opponent would constantly "adjust" my pieces countless of times, even when I make the point to place it perfectly center. Often they simply grab my piece without moving it to distract/annoy me. It's pretty clear to me what they're doing and over time I get pretty irritated by how blatant it is. Since it is done on their time it's not against the rules, but it's clearly an abuse of power. Can I call an arbiter for this, how do I go about proving it if they deny wrongdoing?
> Were there similar cases before and what was done?
You can try punching them in the face, as hard as you can. I can almost guarantee that they will not only stop adjusting pieces, but they will never touch them anymore.
@Stork2137 said in #9:
> You can try punching them in the face, as hard as you can. I can almost guarantee that they will not only stop adjusting pieces, but they will never touch them anymore.

I'll be sure to try that next time

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