
Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess

Was there any specific inducement for this blog post or something
@AX0N Very evil by the communist admins that they made you click on the tiny article link to the left instead of starting a game by clicking on the huge grid in the centre of the page.
I'm glad someone posted an article like this and think that it will help shed light on the history of women in chess and the potential unintentional mistreatment towards women. Unfortunately, even if this was on a bigger chess site, or even something presented with heavy support to the head of FIDE, that the people who are already set on being sexist wouldn't change their minds.

I think that overall, gender doesn't and shouldn't matter in chess. The best way to get rid of sexism would be to start ignoring what sex one is when it doesn't matter. Honestly, the last thing I think about when I'm in a game with a player is their gender. I personally ask if I do want to socialize with them (I tend to want to socialize with a lot of people on this chess site), so I know ahead of time. I prefer to want to seem more polite to women then men simply because I've had problems with socializing with women in the past due to being viewed as "rude". But when in the game, I honestly don't care about who I'm playing, but rather that I'm playing the game and I don't see why any other person should see it otherwise.
He has found out about our evil plan, nooooooo!
@Bonifratz I mean what's your point? That people who think propaganda is morally wrong should just shut up and not have an opinion? I mean just say it dude, why put up a pretense of being above it lol
@JackPetrosyan There is plenty of evidence that what you say it's not actually true. Besides the bell curve distribution of IQ between genders, it is very unreasonable to assume that women and men are hardwired mentally exactly the same. In fact this has been brought up before. Here, maybe this helps you widen your horizons

You're on an entirely free, open source website, which advocates that "advertising is a cancer on society", which is ran primarily by donations and volunteers, with the idea that "chess should be free for everyone, forever", and you think Lichess is "virtue signalling to the left"?

The entire website is a political opinion. If you're comfortable taking the benefits of a left-wing ideology for free online chess, but not for it to openly advocate certain political positions, maybe you should explore your hypocrisies. Alternately, you can take your custom elsewhere...
@copper4. I am grateful that you feel I can have my opinions - there are a great many SJW's who would silence me if they could. As to my name it is my freedom of choice - it s neither appropriate or inappropriate.. I still don't know why you think I am a liar - you should explain

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