
Why Lichess Didn't Promote Wesley So?

I've been online whole day yesterday, yet I haven't heard about this event. Be very honest!
Indeed,this event could be posted on the blog as a new post,with Wesleys So presentation(biography) because not everyone knows him even though he is in the Top 10 on the World,lichess needs of such events like "Chess at 3 with Wesley So" and visits here famous players like Wesley So,I didn't watch this event live but he presented great chessgame with many berserks,Wesley is a nice guy but I was a little afraid that he run "out of fire" and about number of points to win,
as You can see unnecessarily:)
It should to add that Kristo's Team players gave a lot vs Grandmaster,
I support the idea of such events,
We look forward to the next Masters,maybe Carlsen or Anand

Captain Kristo,
Leader the BEST TEAM on lichess actually,
Kristo's Team Chess
It was a premiere and sometimes these things can go wrong. Hopefully, it didn't. So next time, we'll put on a blog post, and build a huge hype.
Regarding blog post, I would like see a new design for lichess, because the blogs and forums are down at bottom. They are not very visible. It might make this website not very attracktive for the marketing and publicity of itself and title players who wants to promote their coaching.
There are many title and strong players who may want to share articles/tutorial/experience/coaching etc. I think a small re-arrangement would be nice for this website.
Wesley So was here ? WHat was the event and cant it be seen on twitch or something rebroadcast?

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