
Favorite TV show(s)

The Walking Dead
SpongeBob SquarePants
The Waltons
Duck Dynasty
For drama type, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Poirot, Firefly (RIP).

For sitcoms, Futurama (RIP), IT Crowd (RIP).

For satire, John Oliver, Graham Norton, Jon Stewart (Imminent RIP)

If you note that I'm the kind of person who stays up late to watch John Oliver, you can pretty easily figure out that aforementioned shows like Duck Dynasty and Brady Bunch could effectively be used on me as a form of torture.
Rick & Morty is an amazing cartoon series, I can only recommend watching it.
Get Smart; Star Trek (original), Rocky & Bullwinkle; The Wacky Races; Catch the Pidgeon; ... NCIS; Law & Order
Marvel's Agents of Shield. Only TV show I watch. Can't wait until Season 3 comes out!

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