
New puzzles on Lichess!

@Senmut Isn't it easier to rate then? I just give a thumb up, when the puzzle makes sense for me and thumb down if not.
Exactly what @TheSwissChess said. Thumb up is the new "Next" button. And if you hated the puzzle, you can thumb it down.
"So what's your favourite present for Christmas you got this year?"

Me: "Over half a million new chess puzzles"
@Senmut I suppose they implemented the obligatory vote because they added a lot of new automatically generated puzzles and user voting is a quick and easy way to sort out the bad apples. I wonder whether lichess plans to change it back to the old way, once the new puzzles have a significant vote count. Maybe @thibault can chime in.

I agree with you on the "opponent" move speed. The instant replies are a bit off-putting, I'd prefer them to be a bit slower. Same accounts for your own moves when you make a mistake: the speed is different than for correct moves.
@Rackermagic There's an individual hashtag for each puzzle on the top left (e. g. "Puzzle #TlKS7"). You can click on that to get an individual link where you can check out variations or share it with friends.
@thibault it is so unfair that only you are ping proof...

You should make an option like 'Notify me if someone mentions in a forum' Yes/No

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