
Started streaming!

OK as you're asking... it just isn't that interesting to hear you talk about cigarettes and 'chicks' while you play low quality, bizarre games of chess and swear occasionally.

I'm sure that sounds harsh, but you keep posting and asking for comments/advice... so hopefully this will help you.

MY advice to you would be to consider improving your game before you stream... or improve your streaming. I certainly would stay away from talking about stuff like cigarettes, chicks and so on, and swearing at all is a big no no.

This would make everything a bit more professional.

On the plus side, at least you make the effort...!
"MY advice to you would be to consider improving your game before you stream... or improve your streaming. I certainly would stay away from talking about stuff like cigarettes, chicks and so on, and swearing at all is a big no no." - Everyone loves chicks, cigarettes and swearing. Keep up the good work!
Master, i have a question: What program do you use to record your screen ? . I have a chess YouTube Channel too (link on my profile) , but I speak in spanish language. I use Bandicam program to record.

I recommend you to improve your quality video, I mean, to include a logo of your nickname, and (when money comes) a future webcam.

i `ve been guided by videos posting on channel ,where GM Jan Gustaffson comments.

There's no need to reinvent a circle. just do what others do (for example: CM Kingcruhers aplly the same thing, and GM Eric Hansen too).

Good Luck with your Channel :)
#5 and #6

The guy wanted advice. Does he want 3 views or does he want 3,000?

Have you even watched the stream, Mikey G? You're a 2300 player. C'mon.

Mainline, it depends on how limited you want the audience to be and how professional you'd like the output.

I gave my opinion. I'm glad it has inspired people to bother writing something too!
Hey guys, thank you very much for your advice and i will definitely implement some stuff you recomended.

PS. StarThanatos i am using Hypercam 2, it s a growing process to learn how to use it. I will check out Bandicam since you recommended it. Good news is i bought a new mic today so sound quality schould be better in the clips that follow.
Thank you guys again :)

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