
Feature request: punishment for aborting self-inititated games

With game list getting updated quickly it's very easy to enter wrong game. That way you'd be punishing people for simply entering a wrong game.

What's more, it would be easily manipulated in rematches. Opponents asks for a rematch, wait couple of minutes till he moves into another game and then accept. Instant penalty for him not moving a piece?

It's a dumb proposal imho. What we need is an option of hosting multiple games. An option that forces autorematch with reversed sides and then punishes player not moving. Offcourse it should be clearly stated in hosted game what it is, and it should only be an extra towards already implemented hosting system.
I don't like this, because it could be exploited by trolls, even if clearly stated.
I recently borrowed an XBox with Fifa on it, and realised they have a quite smart approach to this problem. Before pairing with an on-line player, you can adjust the pairing settings, and one of them is called DNF (Did not finish).

It's a setting that is by default set to "any", but can be adjusted to only pair with opponents that has the same abort/quit/drop-out percentage as yourself.

It sounds like this technique could solve most of the problems in this thread. People who don't abort, will only meet other people who don't and the rest...they are left playing with each other.

I'd suggest that the setting would have a minimum value like 5%, so people who actually abort or drop out of a game for a valid reason, won't be excluded.

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This will never fly, because sometimes I pick an opponent and I get black and they just don't move.

What am I supposed to do? Take a rating hit because my opponent refuses to play against me?

Sounds stupid an unenforceable.

What should happen though is rating hits for those who create games and then abort because they don't get white, but when you rematch them and they get white they have no problem playing.

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