
Variant960 games on Chess Variants Training

Variant games with Chess960 positions is a feature suggestion that sometimes pops up on the forums here. However, it's unlikely to ever happen on Lichess. For this reason, I expanded my website with a new feature: Variant960 games!

You can play it here:
Have fun!

[Edit: oh no, promotions are broken. I don't know why, but will try to fix ASAP.]
[Edit 2: promotions work again!]
In fact, I think it is so good that until (if) 960-variants are added to Lichess, there should be a link to your site on the front page.
#5 Yes I Agree, perhaps programfox' work can be added to lichess somehow? like a merger of two awesome sites :)
Wow! Thx programfox for this website! Horde 960 is really cool!

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