
Beginning to show Carlsen like skills

I mean playing a drawn endgame to death and finally wring water from a flint.

The highlighted move is from the opening. The engine says it is an inaccuracy, but this is my 'novelty' which I play intentionally, knowing that it is a 'suboptimal' move. I don't like when black can go for the e5 break against the queen pawn game and also don't like closed centers where black gets a king's indian attack. I rather open up the position and try to get something out of this.

Speaking of the endgame I felt that it is an objective draw, but kept on playing may my opponent make a mistake which finally happened, it took 87 moves, but it happened.

It is interesting that before move 81 the engine gives only a slight advantage to white, but right when I make move 81 ( which also during the game I felt to be a breakthrough move ) the evaluation suddenly jumps to winning. This kind of jump usually occurs when my opponent makes a blunder, but I have no seen such a jump on my own move. May be this is the point where the engine suddenly gets to the depth where it sees that the endgame is winning ( which a human can spot by simply applying logic ).
My Carlsen skills failed me in this game. Despite given several opportunities in a dead draw endgame I grabbed none of them.

My only excuse that I was down on time. Still I'm disgusted with myself.

On the higlighted move I saw that my knight can support the promotion square, but I dismissed this move because I thought that then black's king can come in and grab my remaining pawn ( however the knight then simply can jump back and defend the pawn - stupid! ).

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